{ "@context": "https://schema.org/", "@type": "Service", "serviceType": "Wave Attenuator Manufacturing & Installation", "provider": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Marine Development Inc", "knowsAbout": [ { "@type": "Thing", "name": "Marina", "description": "A marina (from Spanish [ma'rina] Portuguese [ma'rina] and Italian [ma'ri:na]: marina \"coast\" or \"shore\") is a dock or basin with moorings and supplies for yachts and small boats. A marina differs from a port in that a marina does not handle large passenger ships or cargo from freighters", "SameAs": [ "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q721207", "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marina", "https://www.google.com/search?kgmid=/m/063yc9y" ] } ] } }


Wave Attenuators

Custom solutions for all budgets and sizes.

If your marina or commercial dock is experiencing damage due to waves or boat wake, then it is time to get the best wave attenuation system to protect your marina, boats, pwc, and docks.


Our guide on how a wave attenuator works outlines how these systems help reduce wave damage. 


With over 40+ years of marina engineering, manufacturing, and design experience Marine Development Inc. also specializes in the engineering, design, manufacturing and installation of wave attenuation systems or breakwater structures.


Why MDI Floating Wave Attenuators are Superior

Each MDI floating wave attenuator is custom engineered and designed for the specific environmental conditions that impact your site. This means no two wave attenuators that we manufacture are alike. Often times, other companies just modify their dock section design and bolt them together to make their wave attenuators. This modified dock section and bolt together process will not result in a long lasting, durable wave attenuator like MDI designs and manufactures. 


Our experience is applied to careful and thorough assessment of these conditions, as well as timelines and budget. Each wave attenuation unit is engineered to perform based on mass, width and draft as the primary factors in relation to total cost and performance. 


Wave Attenuators Benefits:

  • Protects marinas against damaging wake/waves from open bodies of water 
  • Protects boats and PWCs in marinas by decreasing wake 
  • Slows marina traffic 


Features of MDI Wave Attenuators:

  • In-house engineering and custom wave attenuator design
  • Custom engineered and designed for the specific environmental conditions that impact your marina or on-water site  
  • Specifically manufactured for the protection you are seeking
  • Heavy construction (weighing more than our competitors) for added strength against the elements
  • Use of concrete panels to deflect the wake/wave  
  • Standard Lighting on all breakwater structures
  • Standard Signage on all breakwater structures
  • Anchorage* – We offer winch/cable based on location and wave/wake conditions 

We would be pleased to discuss your wave attenuation needs and offer a solution that is affordable and effective for years to come. 

“MDI built Lakeway Marina a heavy- duty breakwater and installed it during low water when we needed it the most. We use MDI for our dock projects and they have built a breakwater for us in the past. Since we are currently in our low water configuration on Lake Travis, we needed another breakwater which they built on time for us and we had it installed when moving our docks out to the main body. I would highly recommend MDI for any dock projects you may have.” – Jodi Allen, Lakeway Marina 

Get The Marina You Have Been Dreaming Of

See how our 40+ years of freshwater marina experience can help you!